The Battle Over No-Fault Divorce: A Step Backwards for Families

WTH is going on in our country?

I was recently floored by a clip of Sen. JD Vance talking about divorce. (Here's a more thorough write up on the topic if you're interested.)

He said people "shift spouses like they change their underwear." As well as acknowledged that "these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent" yet is still pushing to make obtaining one more difficult.

My own divorce was a "no-fault" one. I initiated it and was labeled the "bad guy" by outsiders, and even close family and friends. That guilt gnawed at me until I realized — actually, WE realized — that both of us were equally responsible for the end of our marriage.

Except in cases of abuse, I believe every divorce is fundamentally "no-fault." Each partner contributes to both the beginning and the end of a marriage.

The push to change divorce laws to require proof of fault is scary for several reasons...

Gender Implications: One glaring issue is the implicit misogyny. Stats show women initiate about two-thirds of divorces. Making it tougher to get divorced could trap women in unhappy or even abusive relationships.

Impact on Children: The real harm to children comes from conflict, not the divorce itself. Forcing couples to prove fault would only escalate tensions, leading to worse outcomes for kids.

Financial Burden: Legal battles to prove fault are lengthy and expensive, adding financial strain to families already under emotional stress. This makes a tough situation even tougher.

This potential step backward terrifies me. And NAME, I would imagine you feel the same.

I’m committed to advocating for laws that allow families to navigate tough times with as much ease and peace as possible.

And as always, I'm here to support you through your own difficult times.

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Why I traded guilt for cocoa and cookies…


Marriage and Divorce: We’ve Got It Backwards