Marriage and Divorce: We’ve Got It Backwards

We've been brainwashed by the wedding industry, and it's time to wake up.

Thousands of dollars are spent on weddings, celebrating a future that hasn't even started. 

Yet, when a marriage ends, we fail to honor the accomplishments and growth that took place.

At 24, I began dating my husband. We divorced when I was 40. Over those 16 years, we:

  • Each earned Master's Degrees.

  • Completed 5Ks, marathons, and Ironman triathlons.

  • Had three beautiful daughters.

  • Endured the heartbreak of losing a baby late in pregnancy.

  • Adopted two dogs and fostered others.

  • Supported our parents through serious illnesses and loss.

  • Traveled, planned, dreamed, fought, cried, and loved raising our children.

Our marriage had to end, but I'm damn proud of what we achieved. I refuse to see it as a failure. Our greatest victory? Raising our children together post-divorce, despite the pain and anger.

THAT is worth celebrating.

Remember: there are victories even in the endings. Celebrate them all.

If you want to celebrate what you've accomplished instead of staying in a place of shame, I'm here to help.

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The Battle Over No-Fault Divorce: A Step Backwards for Families


A Guide for Supporting Your Friend During their Divorce