Divorce sucks.

Parenting together doesn’t have to.

I support divorcing couples figure out life in two households, find ease in co-parenting & make sure their kids are all right.

If this is you…

  • You’re going through or planning a divorce and you’re terrified of what that will do to your kids

  • All you’ve ever seen are horrible divorces and you’re afraid yours will be too

  • You both want what’s best for the co-parenting relationship but you don’t even know where to begin

  • You have a mix of emotions running through your system that makes co-parenting seem impossible

  • You think your situation is beyond fixable

Well, I’m here to tell you that

it IS possible.

Maybe no one has told you that yet, but it is, and I can help.

I'm Julia

I’m a Master's Level Marriage & Family Counselor and ICF Coach, happily co-parenting three young children. 

The guilt and shame of a “failed” marriage. Family sharing their unsolicited advice, friends taking sides, or just plain not knowing what to do.

Having gone through a divorce, I know the paralyzing fear that comes with that difficult decision.

Combining my personal experience with my professional & educational background, I know what works. I know what doesn’t work. I know what I didn’t have back then but desperately needed.

Your marriage is ending, but your relationship can be even better now for your kids.

You CAN do it! And I can help.


you get to decide what divorce means
for you and your family.


... you could actually get along with your ex

... you and your co-parent had a plan for parenting your kids with ease

... you could communicate with one another calmly and respectfully

... you could model a healthy separation for your kids

... you and your co-parent calmly navigating divorce will mean your kids would really be alright


3 Simple Steps to Start Co-Parenting Peacefully


Schedule a free consultation with me

I’ll get to know you and your needs, and you’ll share your challenges and goals (not mandatory but encouraged).


I’ll teach you both the necessary tools, communication skills and plain ol’ logistics to go from (resentful) spouses to expert co-parents via easy to consume courses, talks, and materials.

Learn how to parent differently


After our work together is done, you’ll see yourselves and your children start to adjust and thrive in this new life. AND you’ll be a role model for other families.

Your amazing co-parenting life awaits

Ready to discover how to do this thing?

And learn my proven method that you won’t hear from any other professional?

Here's what my clients say

“Julia’s been amazing and vital to my understanding & growth... Her unique experience, empathy & honesty in our situation has been instrumental for me, my wife, an my family.”

Pat R.

“The way Julia can lead me from chaos to clarity in my brain is unlike any other therapist experience I've had. I always leave our sessions feeling stronger in my heart and mind.”

Andrea H.

“I remember our first session with Julia. We both wanted to put our children in the center, but we were so angry it felt impossible to achieve. After a lot of ups and downs, we finally found a rhythm. The little tweaks Julia suggested helped SO much. (Like to not just see my ex as an “ex” but rather “the mother of my children.” That made a huge impact on how I saw and treated her). And we really appreciated being able to talk and text with her between sessions. Today we are very proud of how we are co-parenting, and our daughters are doing so good. We just had our first joint birthday party for our youngest (with our new partners too). There's no way we could have gotten here without Julia’s help (As I’ve told her many many times!)”

Ryan P.

My promise to you…

In addition to my years of experience in counseling couples wanting to redefine divorce for themselves, you’ll also get:

Daily Support via Chat & Calls

In the beginning of your separation, life feels volatile and turbulent (to say the least). Knowing you have a neutral expert at your fingertips calms you and helps you navigate challenging situations as they unfold.

14-Day Coaching Refund

Not getting what you need? No problem. Simply fill out a questionnaire and your money will be refunded (minus the cost of the initial session).

Take the FREE Quiz

Want my best parenting during divorce advice, tailored just for YOU?

I bet that by answering a few (confidential) questions, I can determine what you need to hear most about co-parenting at this very moment.

    Pictured: my ex-husband and I, our kids & our spouses.

    You deserve to end your marriage without fear that it will blow up your family.

    I really do know how scary and hopeless the early stages of divorce can be.

    But trust me, it doesn’t have to stay this way.

    You can start to feel confident, in control of your experience and proud for expertly navigating this challenging situation.

    And once you have the tools & the know-how to guide that experience for your family, the kids will be alright, too.